Published and unpublished resources on Amuzgo ethnobotany (Independent-Amuzgo)

This is the first step in a comprehensive study of the ethnobotany of San Pedro Amuzgos (and perhaps other nearby Amuzgo communities) that will comprise data from four major sources: (1) Published and unpublished resources; (2) Elicitation in the community; (3) Photographic register of flora; (4) Collection of flora.
Contactos: Jonathan D. Amith,
Tipo de Colección: General Observations
Administración: Datos en vivo administrados directamente dentro del portal de datos
Identificador único Global: 36a28bfe-b1b2-4c96-ab25-403d1280d7b7
Metadata Digital: EML File
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  • 0 registros de especímenes
  • 0 georeferenciado
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