Floristic and ethnobotanical study of Nahuat communities in the municipality of Cuetzalan del Progreso, Sierra Nororiental de Puebla (Gettysburg College)
The present project is part of a long-term study of the language (lexicon, corpus, and grammar) and ethnobiological knowledge of Nahuat-speaking communities in the municipality of Cuetzalan del Progreso. The project is directed by Jonathan D. Amith and has enjoyed the collaboration of many individuals over the years. The present research team comprises Amelia Domínguez Alcántar, Hermelindo Salazar Osollo, and Ceferino Salgado Castañeda. Ethnobiological knowledge is based on the support of dozens of natural history experts in the communities of this municipality but the principal Nahuat-speaking botanists on this project have been Ernesto Vázquez Chanico and Anastacio Nicolás Damián, both of San Miguel Tzinacapan.
Status of documentation: At present this project comprises over 2,000 collections, 3,500 in situ photographs, and approximately 800 recordings (all transcribed and to date about 50% translated).
Funding support: Generous support for floristic and ethnobotanical research was provided by the National Science Foundation, Documenting Endangered Languages; National Endowment for the Humanities, Preservation and Access; the Endangered Language Documentation Programme at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London; and the Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (Mexico).
Contactos: Jonathan D. Amith,
Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens
Administración: Datos en vivo administrados directamente dentro del portal de datos
Identificador único Global: 147582b1-7dc2-4c3c-8c43-6aa73c20ed11